Flatio, Brno - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Brno, Czechia: Read reviews from both tenants and landlords who've had rental experiences in this destination!

Michaela H. Tenant
Luxusní byty, skvělá lokalita!
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17.01.2021 Brno
Nadiia U. Tenant
This service looks nice, and it feels like you're not alone who is looking for a flat to rent :) Friendly and supportive
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16.01.2021 Brno
Colakidis P. Tenant
Jednoduchost a dostupnost
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16.01.2021 Brno
Petr F. Tenant
Rychlost a možnost si najít bydlení během chviličy
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13.01.2021 Brno
Olja K. Tenant
clean website, very organized
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13.01.2021 Brno
Vendula S. Tenant
Byt je pronajímán na dny, ne na měsíce, možnost pronajmout i na pár týdnů, násobně nižší servisní poplatek oproti provizi realitce, hezky nafocené byty. Hezká služba :)
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28.12.2020 Brno
Ada D. Tenant
good website
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22.07.2020 Brno
Ioannis P. Tenant
It's a user-friendly website, functioning as a transparent renting agency.
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18.12.2020 Brno
Artiom R. Tenant
Сервис отличный, ничего подобного за такую сумму и не ждёшь)
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13.12.2020 Brno
Martina P. Tenant
Líbí se mi, že emaily chodí včas a dvakrát.
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02.12.2020 Brno
David R. Tenant
Překvapila mě vyspělost aplikace, která je velice intuitivní. Zároveň hlídá všechny nezbytné termíny. Takže se nemusíte ničeho obávat.
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01.12.2020 Brno
Hana N. Tenant
Se službami jsme byli spokojeni, nic ke zlepšení nás nenapadá.
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29.11.2020 Brno
Sofiane G. Tenant
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29.11.2020 Brno
Ili K. Tenant
The reservation process is quick.
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19.11.2020 Brno
Andras K. Tenant
New to this as it is my first time but so far easy as chips :)
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10.11.2020 Brno
Gurmeet Singh K. Tenant
Easy to find flat.
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09.11.2020 Brno
Jan S. Tenant
Jednoduchá myšlenka
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08.11.2020 Brno
Natalia Y. Tenant
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06.10.2020 Brno
Natalia Y. Tenant
Good job
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24.08.2020 Brno
Zuzana J. Tenant
The price of apartments in not including the fee for you which can be surprising for some people in the last step when the price is getting higher.
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30.10.2020 Brno
Zuzana J. Tenant
Easy, good offer, fast,
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19.08.2020 Brno
Marek S. Tenant
Dobré informace, foto.
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29.10.2020 Brno
Andreas A. Tenant
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16.10.2020 Brno
Okoye J. Tenant
the comfort it accords.
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09.10.2020 Brno