Can a guest visit an accommodation listed on Flatio in person? - Flatio
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Can a guest visit an accommodation listed on Flatio in person?

The article was updated on 29. 4. 2024.

Not sure what to do if a guest contacts you with a personal property tour request? Find out how it can be handled and minimized!

Even though most of our guests are used to booking accommodations online without having a previous property tour in person, it may happen that somebody will contact you with this request. In such a case, it's completely up to you whether you'll be open to arranging a personal property tour or not.

If you'd like to avoid such requests completely, we recommend that you attach a link to a virtual/video tour of the property to your listing's description. This helps to assure guests that your listing on Flatio reflects reality, and eases their worries about booking it.

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