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Help Center Help for Landlords Reservations Can I reject a reservation request? Is there any penalization?
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Can I reject a reservation request? Is there any penalization?

The article was updated on 11. 9. 2024.

This article serves for a complete understanding of our rejection policies. See how we categorize them and what are their limitations.

At Flatio, you always have the option to decide whether you’d like to accept or reject a reservation request. However, we consider every rejection differently.

Flatio tries to guarantee that everyone on our platform - both tenants and landlords - is serious about the rental process. Since we want both sides to be satisfied with our services, we keep a close eye on rejected requests and we categorize the rejections into authorized and unauthorized for further processes.

    • Authorized rejections are typically cases when:
      • a tenant doesn’t respect the requirements stated in your listing (i.e., wants to bring a dog when you don't accept pets or tries to have more people stay than your property is meant for), or
      • a tenant didn’t provide you with the necessary information (i.e., doesn’t have a sufficiently filled profile and doesn’t respond to your messages)
    • Unauthorized rejections cover cases when you haven’t had your account settings up-to-date, especially rejections caused by:
      • incorrectly set availability of the property,
      • incorrectly set prices,
      • incorrectly set min./max. allowed reservation length, etc.

Please note that the worst unauthorized rejection is your not responding to the request within the given 24-hour period. It’s always more beneficial for you to reject a request for unauthorized reasons, rather than letting it expire.

We always inform you via email whether we find your rejection reason to be authorized or not. If you feel like we made a mistake and any specific rejection should be set as authorized, please contact our support team to review the situation.

Listing score

Rest assured that you won’t receive any financial penalty for rejecting a reservation request. However, if you reject a request for any of the unauthorized reasons, we will lower your listing’s score. This means that your listing will drop on our platform so you'll be less visible to potential tenants and your property will be less likely to be booked.

Please note that if you do not respond to a reservation request within 24 hours of receiving it, Flatio sees it as the worst type of unauthorized rejection, causing your listing’s position to drop on our platform even more significantly. Therefore, to ensure your listing is always well-visible, we strongly recommend that you avoid letting reservation requests expire.

If you ever wish to increase your listing score to make your property more visible, you can read more about what influences your listing’s position in this article and enhance your listing accordingly. Our support team is also available to help you at any time.

Recommended procedure for rejecting a reservation

If you reject a request for any of the unauthorized reasons, it’s necessary to fix your account settings as soon as possible so the same thing doesn't happen again.

In any case, potential tenants always appreciate it when they have your reason for why their request got rejected. In some cases, it’s even possible to negotiate new reservation details. That’s why we recommend that you always share any details with the tenant.


  • If the pricing/availability was set incorrectly
    • You can contact the tenant once you’ve updated the prices/availability settings and propose that if they are interested, they create a new reservation request since everything is already fixed and accurate.
    • Feel free to learn more about how to set prices correctly here, and don’t hesitate to double-check your settings via the price functionality checker available in your My Rentals profile.
    • You can read more about how to keep your availability up-to-date in this article.
  • If the tenant’s profile isn’t complete
    • In case you’re missing some information from the tenant, you can contact them and ask for any additional information you need to feel confident and comfortable to accept their request.
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