Owner Adéla's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
Adéla P.
Neighborhood hero
Neighborhood hero
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Útulný byt v centru Prahy

Rated on: 10.12.2024 Length of stay: 1 month

Cozy apartment is in the city center, and all commodities are available in the apartment. Big flat, bedroom with big bed and one small (if you travel with kids)
The landlords are so nice and pleasant people. They explained how to get to apartment, where shops, a pharmacy and other.
When I arrived, they helped me with my heavy luggage.
Thank you, Adela and Jan for such a nice and warm host.

It's close to the city center; you can walk on foot to the Dancing House, the Museum of History, and central shopping streets. There are a lot of restaurants near the apartment.

Recommended places nearby
Kachi Korean BBQ

tenant photo

Anna T.

Neighborhood safety
Services nearby
Public transport

About me
Pronájmem se zabýváme cca 10 let, pronajímáme byt ve stejném domě, ve kterém jako rodina žijeme. Pokud je tedy cokoliv potřeba, jsme k dispozici, bydlíme o patro níž. Jedná se o klidný prostor, zrekonstruovaný dům s milými obyvateli (víceméně tu bydlí široká rodina). Dlouhodobě máme zkušenosti s Airbnb, od ledna chceme pro změnu zkusit trochu jiný formát:).

Last online
9 hours
Registration on Flatio
Shtator 2024

Adéla is a verified owner.
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