Owner Miroslav's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
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Miroslav H.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Pragë, Nejdek, Mělník, Velké Přílepy
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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TOP location / new equipment

Rated on: 08.09.2024 Length of stay: 11 months

I had a comfortable stay thanks to the landlord, who was both welcoming and helpful.

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Sasha S.

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TOP location

Rated on: 22.08.2024 Length of stay: 3 months

Landlord was excellent, no issues whatsoever. Have to mention that the flat was quite hot in the summer and opening the window is not a great solution in the day, while letting in bugs at night. Otherwise no issues with the flat, too.

Quiet residential street a short-medium walk from a couple trams, the metro, and shops/cafes/restaurants etc.

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Matthew D.

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TOP location

Rated on: 31.05.2024 Length of stay: 18 days

I found the landlord extremely supportive and pleasant person. I would like stay again in his apartment during my forthcoming visit.

The neighbourhood is safe, calm and clean, grocery shop BILLA is near and so the public transport. I found it to be very convenient.

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M S.

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TOP location

Rated on: 03.10.2023 Length of stay: 2 months

Miroslav is a great landlord who takes care of everything! When I needed something even when I was sick he was there I really appreciate his endeavors.
The location of the house is perfect, everything you need is very close, the only negative aspect during my stay was the humidity of the house. When you will tene the House longterm keep that in mind. But except the humidity problem i was evet satisfied

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Ecem Nur B.

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TOP location / new equipment

Rated on: 01.10.2023 Length of stay: 22 days

The apartment is exactly as advertised: pleasant, very clean, with all the basics you need. Everything worked well.
It is situated in a quiet area alhoughh underground station is 5-minute walk away.
The landlord Miroslav is a real gem, super helpful and quick with responding. I do recommend this landlord and this apartment.

Naprosta spokojenost. Čisté a dobře vybavené bydlení v blízkosti centra Prahy. Majitel velmi organizačně schopný a vstřícný. Doporučuji.

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Elena K.

Neighborhood safety not rated
Services nearby not rated
Public transport not rated

TOP location, suitable for students only

Rated on: 04.09.2023 Length of stay: 1 month

Я к жилью во время отпуска не очень привередливый, но комфорт конечно предпочтительней. Предоставленная мне Мирославом квартира удовлетворила мои потребности на 100%. Расположена в тихом месте и в то же время практически в центре Праги, все удобства присутствуют. Мирослав очень добродушный и внимательный хозяин, возникающие вопросы решает очень оперативно.
Если в следующем году поеду в Прагу, а пока я это планирую, то обязательно попытаюсь арендовать жилье у Мирослава.

Очень тихий, спокойный район практически в центре Праги. До Пражского града 10 минут пешком по красивым улицам.
Мне понравилось.

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Сложно ответить на этот вопрос. У всех свои предпочтения. Я не пользовался услугами гида, ходил сам, смотрел все подряд. Каждый день был в разных местах и везде мне нравилось.

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Mikhail A.

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TOP location / new equipment

Rated on: 02.09.2023 Length of stay: 1 month

Communication between myself and the owner was excellent. Whenever I had a question, he responded quickly and efficiently. The accommodation was very good value for its price point, with all the basics you need. It was also quiet, and I enjoyed being able to open the door to a small courtyard where I could sit and have coffee in the morning. Overall, a highly enjoyable experience. The location is perfect. There are grocery stores and coffee shops nearby. The underground station is an easy 4-minute walk away. You're in Old Town Square within 15 minutes.

Residential. Quiet but with more vibrant areas where you can have coffee etc.

Recommended places nearby
It's Prague! It's all spectacular in terms of its architecture and creativity. I enjoyed walking into the downtown center sometimes from my apartment (40 minutes through beautiful Letna Park). The Castle area is just a 15-30 min walk away. It's a very walkable city, but it's also got one of the best public transport systems I've experienced. Everything co-ordinates, everything seems to run smoothly... and a single trip, even from the airport to the apartment, is around 1 Euro.

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Ron C.

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Suitable for 2-4 persons / 2 separate rooms I wi

Rated on: 21.08.2023 Length of stay: 2 months

Komunikace s panem majitelem na 1*, ubytování také bez problému. Určitě bych v budoucnu opět využila a doporučuji.

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Karolína P.

Neighborhood safety not rated
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Public transport not rated

Student studio / TOP location

Rated on: 13.08.2023 Length of stay: 1 month

Good stay for students

There's a tram stop, bus stop and even metru stop nearby for fast commute.

Recommended places nearby
Prague castle can be visited just by walk

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Jeevanath E.

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TOP location

Rated on: 10.08.2023 Length of stay: 22 days

The place is very nice and clean. It's close to tramway and metro stations.
The Landlord is very kind, wellcomming and available.

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Lucas H.

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TOP location / terrace / parking

Rated on: 31.07.2023 Length of stay: 6 days

Velmi klidné ubytování v Praze vyborna domluva s panem pronajímatelem být čistý venkovní posezení příjemné všem vřele doporučuji.

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Miroslav K.

Neighborhood safety
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TOP location / terrace / parking

Rated on: 24.07.2023 Length of stay: 14 days

The apartment is large, clean and close to the metro station. We preferred to walk in the city center most of the time. Close to the apartment is a self-service restaurant with a varied menu, and the price were very moderate, which was very helpful. We spent 2 pleasant weeks in this location ( 10/24. 07. 2023).

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Cristina Emanuela S.

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TOP location, also suitable for students

Rated on: 23.07.2023 Length of stay: 14 days

Byt byl v naprostém pořádku. Bylo uklizeno, přesně jako na fotkách. Majitel je velmi hodný, komunikace byla bezchybná a jednoduchá a pan Miroslav byl ochoten vyjít vstříc se všemi požadavky. Byt je opravdu dobře umístěn. Dostanete se za necelých 10 minut jak na tramvaj tak i na metro. Byl to velmi příjemný pobyt, takže doporučuji všem, co hledají pěkný byt a příjemného nájemníka:)

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Johana K.

Neighborhood safety not rated
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TOP location

Rated on: 19.07.2023 Length of stay: 5 days

Super zážitek


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Michaela M.

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Suitable for students / erasmus

Rated on: 03.07.2023 Length of stay: 15 days

Výborná komunikace s panem Mirkem.

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Michal V.

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TOP location

Rated on: 26.06.2023 Length of stay: 3 months

It was a very nice trip in Praha and it was in part due to the rent.
Indeed the apartment was comfortable and pleasant in a quiet area, close to shops and public transport. Mireck was very friendly, attentive, and quickly solved the few small problems that arose during my stay.

Very calm

Recommended places nearby
It was very nice to walk around the city center but in general the different parts of the city are nice

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Loup B.

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Suitable for 2-4 persons / 2 separate rooms I wi

Rated on: 03.06.2023 Length of stay: 14 days

Veľmi dobre sa nám tam bývalo, majiteľ nemal problém ani s tým keďže sme dorazili o 11 večer, prišiel a dal nám kľúče.
Čistý byť, super lokalita , potraviny a autobusová zastávka blízko, taktiež ihrisko pre deti je tam veľké neďaleko. Ďakujeme

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Martina T.

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Suitable for 2-4 persons / 2 separate rooms I wi

Rated on: 23.01.2023 Length of stay: 1 month


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Arina G.

Neighborhood safety not rated
Services nearby not rated
Public transport not rated

TOP location / terrace / parking

Rated on: 13.01.2023 Length of stay: 15 days

Byt je blízko metra a je vybaven vším, co potřebujete. Majitel bytu je příjemný člověk, ochotný kdykoliv pomoci. Celkově jsem byla s ubytováním spokojená. Všem doporučuji.

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Mariia T.

Neighborhood safety
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TOP location / suitable for students.

Rated on: 13.01.2023 Length of stay: 2 months

Located in a very good and calm area, a few minutes walk from the centre of Dejvice. Tram and metro A are about a 7 minutes walk, so it’s comfortable for those who plan to use public transportation a lot.
Would mostly recommend for one person, or in case of more people, for couples or very close friends.
Owner is super nice and friendly! Communication is easy with them and is always ready to help! :)

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Bettina B.

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Student studio / TOP location

Rated on: 28.11.2022 Length of stay: 4 months

I will start with the positive points. The owner is available very quickly in case of problems and he is welcoming. Now the negative points. The accommodation was unsanitary, there was a lot of mold under the fridge and the rest of the accommodation was overall dirty. Moreover, the owner tried several times to open the door of the bathroom while we took our shower, and asked us to leave because there was a visit. This kind of repetitive situation is quite intimidating and rude.

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Thomas R.

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TOP location / new equipment

Rated on: 03.08.2022 Length of stay: 1 month

Excelente me encantó todo ☺️

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Luisa Fernanda L.

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About me
S manželkou a 4-mi dětmi žijeme v rodinném domě na okraji Prahy a další nemovitosti, které vlastníme pronajímáme. Kromě plně vybavených bytů v atraktivní lokalitě jsme schopni nájemníkům nabídnout i další služby, jako například zapůjčení osobního automobilu, zapůjčení cyklistického kola, vyzvednutí na letišti, nebo na nádraží. Výše zmíněné služby nejsou součástí základní ceny za nájem.
Your hobbies
Sport - lyže, kolo, turistika, rodinné výlety, zábava Četba knih a navštěvování konferencí na téma osobního a podnikatelského rozvoje.

Last online
20 days
Registration on Flatio
Shtator 2017

Miroslav is a verified owner.
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