Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 31.10.2024 Length of stay: 29 days
Dobrý pomer cena-kvalita, takmer všetko vybavenie bytu funkčné, príjemnú atmosféru bytu dodávali plné police kníh, majiteľka príjemná a ochotná. Žiaľ, boli tam nejaké veci, ktoré by bolo treba doladiť. V byte nefungovala rúra po celý čas môjho pobytu, teda celý mesiac a boli aj menšie problémy so splachovačom. Taktiež by bolo vhodné uviesť niekde, že v bytovom dome nie je výťah. Síce som dokázala fungovať aj bez neho, ale niektorým ľuďom to môže robiť problém a bolo by dobré, aby o tom nájomcovia vedeli dopredu
Dobrá lokalita v širšom centre mesta, bezpečná, počas svojho pobytu som sa cítila v okolí bezpečne aj vo večerných hodinách. Pár metrov od bytu je večierka, taktiež papiernictvo, takže nie je problém si narýchlo niečo ísť nakúpiť. Takisto v dosahu pár metrov je zastávka električky, ktorou je možné sa 2 stanice previezť k nákupnému centru Anděl

Bianka K.
Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 08.09.2024 Length of stay: 20 days
Všechno e bizko, metro a obchod.

Oleksandr H.
Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 24.08.2024 Length of stay: 6 days
Som veľmi spokojný s ubytovaním, pomer cena výkon bezkonkurenčne, príjemný prístup majiteľky. Odporúčam.
Viliam H.
Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 03.06.2024 Length of stay: 23 days
-Fundamentally good value for a large central flat with modern amenities
-Stinks incurably due to damp, full of broken furniture and has very noisy long-term building works nearby
In detail:
A large and central flat, somewhat tainted by a damp problem (strong odour and mild but incurable black mould on walls) and a litany of more minor problems easily curable but for a lazy, contemptuous and incompetent landlady. In her own words, without irony:
-“All of the people renting this place are spoilt.”
-“There is no mould problem - I sprayed it all with bleach the day before you got here! Just put the heating up [in 26degC heat] and use the spray to mask the smell.”
-"...it is not my problem that the building is wet for example or how the canalization is functioning here...sometimes yes, sometimes not."
-[Describing the broken double bed at check-in] “It is fine as long as you don’t move at all.”
-[Regarding all of the kitchenware being filthy on arrival] "Do you expect me to wash the dishes between every tenant?"; "I am making general control of the flat once in a year"
In conclusion, still plenty for your money if you're on a budget. But, if you can find comparable prices elsewhere then steer clear.
Matthew P.
Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 30.04.2024 Length of stay: 8 days
Vše ok
Recommended places nearby
Pavel T.
Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 20.04.2024 Length of stay: 2 months
- The location of the apartment, it is near Petrin Tower.
- There are garbage bins which are almost always full, in front of the entrance to the building.
- There were visits from real-estate agent (in order to sell the apartment) 2 times a week (the real-estate agent didn’t behave correctly, even said that he has the right to do this, although according to the law, the owner has a right to check the apartment once a month)
- There was mold in the rooms.
- The floor and the bed were cracking.
- The mattresses were dirty. We bought new ones and we left them.
- The oven didn’t work.
- The energy level is very low.
Generally safe but busy neighbourhood, however they do not care for the garbage much. It is not very clean.
Recommended places nearby
Petrin tower
Vlado D.
Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 06.02.2024 Length of stay: 1 month
The apartment is as pictured, but the problem was high humidity
Nataliia Y.
Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 06.01.2024 Length of stay: 3 months
A nice cozy place full of books and art. We enjoyed staying there. It's a bit old and some things need changing/renovating, but the landlady does everything to make you comfortable.
very safe, perfect location
Recommended places nearby
Old Hanoi - delicious Vietnamese restaurant near Andel
Syuzanna K.
Attic quiet apartment near the center
Rated on: 27.09.2023 Length of stay: 26 days
příjemný a vstřícný majitel, výhodná poloha bytu

Kamran A.