Owner Silvia's card - Flatio
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Silvia R.
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About me
I love languages, music, cinema, dog walking, spending time in nature footbal... in particular Fiorentina. I love travel and go abroad quite a lot. I like city breaks and beach holidays or a combination of both. I am a friendly and kind person and take my role as host very seriously. I treat my guests as I would like to be treated and try hard to ensure they have a comfortable and memorable stay in my apartments. I like to welcome my guests personally, show them around the house, familiarise them with the amenities. I am always happy to chat with guests and offer any advice on how to get around or places to visit or things to do. I am happy to answer any questions you may have during your stay and provide any assistance necessary. I have no objection to any race, religion,sexual orientation...EVERYBODY'S WELCOME! My only request is to take good care of the apartment. Enjoy your stay!;-)

Last online
9 months
Registration on Flatio
Prill 2020

Silvia is a verified owner.
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