Not sure what to do after creating your profile on Flatio? Read this article to understand what has to be done before your listing can be published!
How can I start advertising my first rental?
Once you go through the simple onboarding process and create a profile within the My Rentals app (see our guide on how to do that here), you'll be asked to fill in some additional information for your profile. After that, you'll be able to turn the advertising on.
Here's what you should do to finalize your listing:
1. Fill in the listing details
Besides the basic requested information about the property (e.g., its written description, size or story number settings, etc.), you should also:
- define the pricing,
- set the property's availability, and
- upload photos and put them in order.
Additionally, you can fill out other optional fields that could give you a higher listing score, making it more visible and accessible to potential guests. We especially recommend you provide information about Wi-Fi speed and the nearby facilities.
2. Build your profile
Guests often prefer hosts with a well-filled profile, as knowing something about you gives them more confidence in choosing your property. The information that significantly increases your trustworthiness in the eyes of potential guests are:
- uploading a real profile photo and
- writing some basic information about yourself into the introduction for guests field.
We also recommend that you also handle the official matters at this point so you don't need to worry about them later on. You can therefore already:
- enter your billing information that should be stated on the generated lease agreements and invoices and
- fill out your bank account details so we know where to forward the rental payments.
3. Turn on advertising
Once you enter all the necessary details, you'll be able to turn on the advertising. To proceed this way, go to the listing details within the Listings section of your profile and press the Turn on advertising button. After you confirm this change, our support team will be notified and they'll quickly review your listing to make sure everything's in order. If everything is filled in correctly, they will approve and activate your advertising, making your listing visible to potential guests and available to receive booking requests.